yakushima laundry

Many hotels will have laundry facilities.  Should your hotel not have laundry facilities then fortunately there are a few coin laundries on the island.  Remember to take plenty of coins – although there is often a coin-changer within the laundromat.

Click on the picture or title for more detailed information and pictures

The Haro coin laundry is located opposite the Kamiyama Elementary School in Haro. Haro, Yakushima
The Miyanoura coin laundry is located near the junction road going to Shiratani Unsuikyo - opposite the Miyanoura Elementary School.
The Koseda coin laundry is located on the main road next to the Drugstore Mori - about 500 north of
The Onoaida coin laundry is located close to the Onoiada Post Office. Onoaida 404-10, Yakushima
The Anbo coin laundry is located north of Anbo on the main road leading into the town - opposite the