YES Yakushima are very happy to book your accommodation, rental goods, activities, cars, scooters…. on your behalf from the list of services on our website.
The YES! Yakushima booking service is free of charge.
What to do if you need to cancel a booking
Please inform either YES Yakushima or the business you have booked with as soon as you know that you need to cancel.
If you cancel a booking more than 7 days in advance then most businesses do not take a cancellation charge. However, in the high season some businesses have a cancellation charge that commences 2 weeks before the date of the booking.
If the cancellation falls within the 7 days then most businesses will charge a cancellation fee (either a fixed fee or a percentage of the booking fee). For example, 6 days in advance is often around 10-20% of the booking fee and this increases up to 100% if you cancel the day before or on the day of your booking.
YES Yakushima are not responsible for requesting and retrieving hotel cancellation fees. The cancellation fees are set by the individual hotel and establishments. However, we strongly urge people who use our free booking service not to treat this cancellation issue lightly as our reputation as a reliable service with local businesses will be placed in jeopardy once a visitor breaks a contract with one of our listed businesses.
Please honour either the booking or the booking cancellation policy.
Cancellation fees are not requested if the cancellation is due to extreme weather such as typhoons preventing transport to the island or causing you to cancel your booked activity.