yakushima emergency services


For traffic accidents and other emergencies   110

If you are in the mountains and need to contact the police then call 0997 46 2110

The Police Head Office is in Anbo (安房) 0997 46 2110

There are smaller stations located around the island, though they are not always manned.

Miyanoura (宮之浦)   0997 42 0002

Isso (一奏)               0997 44 2033

Nagata (永田)           0997 45 2040

Kurio (栗生)              0997 48 2032

Onoaida (尾之間)      0997 47 2017



AmbulanceFire / Rescue & Ambulance

In the case of a fire or you require the fire brigade as a rescue service    119

Ambulance service  119

Although 119 is easier to remember, a more direct route to call an ambulance is to call them on a local line.  The service is divided into a northern region and a southern region with the border being around the Anbo area. 

Northern Area     0997 42 0119

Southern Area    0997 47 2125




The Tokushu Byouin (Hospital) in Miyanoura has facilities to deal with most accidents and medical complaints.  It is the largest hospital on the island.  Other hospitals and clinics have limited resources and specialities.  The following list has a casualty reception facility. 


Location: Miyanoura (宮之浦)       Tokushu Byouin (屋久島徳州会病院)   Tel: 0997 42 2200

Located on the southern outskirts of Miyanoura.  Head towards Anbo out of Miyanoura and once over the river the hospital is a 2 min drive.  It's a large building on the left.


Location: Isso (一奏)                                Kadono Byouin (門野医院)                     Tel: 0997 44 2303

Located close to the harbour and the community hall (kouminkan 公民館)


Location: Koseda (小瀬田)                       Koseda Clinic (小瀬田診療所)                Tel: 0997 43 5100

Located about 2 mins north of the airport.  Drive past 'Somes' and the gasoline station.  After a drug store on the left (Drug 11 – ドラッグ・イレブン) then the clinic is another 100m on the left.


Location: Anbo (安房)                               Naka Byouin (仲医院)                             Tel: 0997 46 2131

Located near to the Toppy Jet Foil Terminal.  Drive towards the terminal past the Anbo Post Office.  100m before the terminal turning on the right is the small clinic.


Location: Onoaida (尾之間)                      Onoaida Clinic (屋久島尾之間診療所)     Tel: 0997 47 3277

From the main street in Onoaida head towards the JR Hotel by the sea.  The post office is on the left and on the right is the Town Office.  The clinic is the next to the Town Office.