yakushima shopping – Miyanoura


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Yakuden is a large supermarket located near the entrance to the Miyanoura Port.  Yakuden have a grocery section, a household
The Furusato Market is one of the first big shops ou may see if you arrive to the Miyanoura Port. 
Tsubaki organic shop hold Yakushima made organic products as well as organic products imported from the mainland. Tsubaki is located
Hirami make a good range of breads, pastries, cakes and desserts.  As with all bakeries on Yakushima, it is better
There are 3 Acoop supermarkets on Yakushima - Miyanoura, Anbo & Onoaida.  They stock all the usual groceries and usually
Sen no Ie is located along the road that leads to Shiratani Unsuikyo.  The interior of Sen no Ie is
Wai Wai Land is a large supermarket located near the Tokushu Hospital (Yakushima`s main hospital) about 3km south of the

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