Yakusugi Land and Yamato Sugi Tour

While Jomon sugi may be the tree that attracts Japanese visitors to Yakushima, there are many other old and large cryptomeria trees that are just as impressive as Jomon sugi.  Away from the main attractions then you can usually be alone with these trees as you sit and have lunch under its canopy.  Yamato sugi is one such tree.  Anyone wishing to experience the ‘real’ Yakushima forest should consider booking the Yakusugi Land and Yamato sugi Tour.

The YES guide will fill the day with explanations of the forest, flora and fauna, as well as the history of the area.

The Yakusugi Land and Yamato sugi Tour begins from Yakusugi Land and it offers a flavour of things to come as we pass by a number of large sugi.  Within 30 minutes we leave the established Yakusugi Land trail and enter the ‘real’ forest – walking along the less established Ishizuka Trail.  This trail is rarely walked by trekkers and so we are usually alone most of the time.  There are some wonderful trees along this deep-forest. 

Yakusugi Land

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After a 2 hour walk we arrive at Yamato sugi – just within the UNESCO boundary area.  Yamato sugi (@3000 – 4,000 years old) sits in a quiet valley and resting by the old tree while eating lunch is recommended.